Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mission Accepted! - How Many Surnames in Your Database?

While reading my way through this weekends blog updates on my reading list I came across Randy Seaver's Challenge: Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- How Many Surnames in Your Database?

Task 1: Go into your Genealogy Management Program (GMP; either software on your computer, or an online family tree) and figure out how to Count how many surnames you have in your family tree database.

Task 2: Tell us which GMP you're using and how you did this task.

Answer 1 and 2:  I generally work in my online Ancestry tree but since I keep it synced to Family Tree Maker (FTM), I will be using FTM  for ease.  To do this open the FTM tree and then click Publish from the bar at the top, then to 'Person Reports > Surname Report > Create Report' (see fig.1)

Fig.1 : Screen shot of Family Tree Maker 2014
Next look at the left hand panel (Fig.2) and ensure All Individuals is selected before hitting Generate Report.
Fig.2 : Surname Report Options in FTM 2014
This then produces the report (Fig.3)

Fig.3 : Surname Report in FTM 2014

Task 3: Tell us how many surnames are in your database and, if possible, which Surname has the most entries.  If this excites you, tell us which surnames are in the top 5!  Or 10!!  Or 20!

Answer 3: I had 7 pages of surnames, page 1 had 44 names, pages 2-6 listed 45 and page 7 had 40. making a grand total of 309 names. This consists of 1645 individuals, 851 males, 779 females.

Fig.3 above shows the most common surnames in my tree. So here is my top 20! well 21 since I have a few names with the same frequency.

With 19 individuals we have SANDS (1826-1893), KING (1824-1928), DINE (1823-1913)
With 20 individuals we have GRAHAM (1856-1951)
With 21 individuals we have REES (1808-1908), EVANS (1837-1999)
With 23 individuals we have HARDING (1861-1937)

With 25 individuals we have CHRISTMAS (1809-1935), DENTY (1786-1907)
With 26 individuals we have UPJOHN (1791-1924)
With 28 individuals we have DAVIES (1820-2010)
With 29 individuals we have GODFREY (1790-1878), ANDREWS (1844-1999), ANDERSON (1764-1876)

With 32 individuals we have STREVENS (1801-1913)
With 34 individuals we have WYATT (1823-1940)
With 40 individuals we have _____ (1790-2008) these are the individuals for whom I have no last name.
With 44 individuals we have WILLIAMS (1833-2009)

In third place with 48 individuals we have HUNTLEY (1746-1912)
In second place with 57 individuals we have OSBORNE (1842-1967)
And in first place with 77 individuals we have TOURNAY (1793-1931)

Task 4: Write about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, in a status or comment on Facebook, or in Google Plus Stream post.

Answer 4: Well if you have read this blog you will know that pressing 'Home' on your keypad will take you directly to it.

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